Patty Wageman, Director, Eelde, The Netherlands
An exhibition of seven artists' work from around the world to illuminate the journey of plants through botanical art. Artists included are: Beverly Allen, Australia, Helen Allen, UK, Mieko Ishikawa, Japan, Jee-yeon Koo, Korea, Vicki Thomas, South Africa, Anita Walsmit-Sachs, the Netherlands, and Carol Woodin, US.
Zea mays 'Glass Gem', watercolor on Kelmscott vellum, ©2018 C.Woodin
I grew this Glass Gem corn so I could paint it. I had seen it in photos and the color seemed beyond belief. True to form though, it ripened in rainbow colors, in a variety of combinations, each ear different. It takes a long time to ripen in NY State, but a few ears did ripen before winter. And I went out to the garden in February when there was a brief melt-off of snow, to clean up the standing stalks of corn. What a surprise to find beautiful colorful ears of corn still on the stalks!